Selasa, 05 November 2013


We have presented some prophecies that prove the Bible is God’s Word to those that are honest. Now many of you are faced with a decision. Will you humble yourself, repent and receive Christ as your only hope of salvation? The Bible says all your righteous deeds ARE AS FILTHY RAGS–Isa 64:6. You may have been an unbeliever, or you may have been religious, but if you died right now—you would perish to hell. Why? Because you have not been born again–Jn 3:3.
     Now, you must choose what to believe—your own wrong thinking, your church, or the Bible? As you read this, there are multitudes in hell being tormented and wishing they had the chance that you have right now–Lk 16:19–31. To do nothing is to choose eternal separation from God. It is written: BEHOLD, NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME; BEHOLD, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION–2 Cor 6:2. HE THAT IS NOT WITH ME IS AGAINST ME–Mt 12:30

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